
87 Art Reviews

32 w/ Responses

A big manglerfish character, *foopin' awesome*

I meant anglerfish, but i'm not correcting this typo for i feel there is nothing to correct.

Thank you for telling of these origins to your characters. It's interesting to read of how they started, developed and where you might want to take them.
Wouldn't say that Ams and and Ems are like God and Devil, that'd imply one is wholly good and the other's wholly evil.
I get the feeling they'rem ore two sides of the same coin that have their own presence, their own strengths and weaknesses and ways in which they could act or react in a given situation.

I remember when we talked some weeks agou about the opposite of someone's characters where you said something about Kinbari's uncaringness towards herself and others alike. Seems like out of these four, that character is on your mind the most with possible stories or things to discover.

The idea for Boxanne's head and the powers made me think a bit of Rayman 3 with the power washing detergents that could transform anyone's clothing into combat fatigues for a short while. I like the best ending idea too.
Time constraints aside, i hope making that game was fun and interesting for you.

Fair on keeping Nora simple and quite smart on having any situation she could be in, be part of a movie.

Couldst thou tell me more about this character? Came here by chance and got intrigued through the style.

BigA7071 responds:

She's a vampire that likes causing trouble

Read it all through. You seem to wear your heart on your sleeve and be very open with your history, problems/struggles and how your characters are inspired by aspects of yourself, while also wanting to be critical of yourself and be open to grow. Those are good things. Be able to look back, and be open for learning and taking a look at oneself.

Stuff like that seems like sensitive information, so do be very careful on the internet with stuff like this. You never know who may be on the other side of the screen and what intent they may have.
Fem's spike skin seems like a cool way of protecting oneself within that world, quite violent too. Let's hope that worse things can be prevented outright. For Fem, you yourself in this world, and others.

You seem quite young and still trying to figure certain things out on some fronts. And where it concerns intimacy, sensuality and sexuality there's a whole lot that can have an impact, be they what it said and done around you or said straight to you.
Don't want to be a doomthinker either. Be sure to use common sense, but have fun too. J
udging by the fact you're already on NG for a little bit, you seem to know your way around fairly well.

From a stranger on the internet: wish you good luck on your journeys with healthy growth, strength, wisdom and luck where needed, and hope you can share and receive good things alike.
And my apologies if this overbearing comment is weird or annoying.
'Ave a good one. *backflips out the window into the night sky*

Gosh dang, that's fupping gnarly.

Ah, nice, the raspberry pudding has been sliced.

ihaships773 responds:

more like my ex :)

Oh man this guy looks cool! Sweet beard, you don't often see that on elf-like figures. (makes me think a bit of the Jak & Daxter series). The man is clearly strong too and I find it interesting how his epaulettes are pieces of fur with spikes.
Those goggles are sick, too.

I only discovered you just know, and as such i do not know what stories you may be planning or what characters you have alluded to in the past-- but i'll check your gallery out at once.
In the meantime, The Monster Breeder looks neat. Love me some good monsters.

SanyaUmbra responds:

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it. Yes, on monday I usually do this character that are all in the same setting. If I have to be honest, I'd like to draw or write something about them, but right now I lack the time to do so. Nontheless I did some quick comics of world building, the "interactive comic" you'll see in my gallery. I know that they lack the quality of the rest of the illustration, but I did them in two days.
Anyhow I hope to see you again on the next posts, and thank you again for the comment!
And yeah, he's a bit Jack and Dexter like.

Oh cool, a monster in line with those of medieval scriptures! Those could get *weird* and fascinating.
Thanks to Blasphemous 2 I know what a thurible is. The priest has style, using that for a weapon. In the words of The Mask: SSSMOKIN'

LucisDoom responds:

Yes, thanks!!! I love those things, medieval scripts are my center of interest atm and I wanted to implement those demon designs into a story that I'm making!
Thuribles to me have immaculate potential to become improvised weapons in an unexpected attack 😁 heavy swingy things always are cool in combat

I like their looks and the pose! In regards to what they're listening to... don't know, I don't know what counts as emo music.
Perhaps Massive Ego.

What's the story to these characters, if it's alright to ask?

ihaships773 responds:

i'll have to check that band out !!

tbh a lot of my characters don't have stories,, theyre mostly one offs that dont really show up again.

if i had to say anything tho, theyre probably just dumb young lovers who like to smash things up and mosh together at concerts

Gosh dang, this is such a strange sight with so many moving parts. It takes a moment to fully comprehend all the stuff that's going on.
Strange creatures, manic shapes and mad expressions all around. It's cool stuff.

An Orc who loves dark fantasy and has interests in all manner of stuff. History & historical martial arts, fashion and weapons, alt. fashion, rock, goth, chains, belts & zippers, many kinds of music from Cosmo Sheldrake to Be'lakor... and monsters


of cool fish


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