I carry a great liking for this. Your style seems fun and solid, having a balance between cool and yet kind of cute. Mainly so with three of the skeleton enemies, but for me the big grub counts for that as well. I like the braids on that one.
- First skeleton is simply cool with a style that seems somewhere between later medieval guard, and a gladiator.
- Second skeleton looks like an armored minotaur, but with a *really* awesome helmet and the interesting design of having arms the length of an orangutan's.
- Third skeleton looks solid.
- Absolutely love those layered skulls for the warlock. Neat crown and cloak, and cute scroll for that one.
- The swamp inhabitants have an aestethic that makes me think of Mesoamericna influences, mainly Aztecs. First one has a cool helmet and weapon inspired by the spear version of the macuahuitl. Stands out especially because the helmet has herbivorous teeth.
- Already mentioned the grub and there's not much else i can mention. I like the patterns and the braids, and the three-part mouth is interesting.
- Snake lady's goofy face and dual throwing dart quivers stand out the most to me. I like that.
- The mage variant here has a very interesting mask! Don't think i've ever seen anything quite like it. Interesting that there seem to be mushrooms growing on him, too... I can imagine those being an ingredient for certain spells or potions or something.
Wish you a lot of good luck and fun on your game project!