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    32 Art Reviews w/ Response

    All 87 Reviews

    Couldst thou tell me more about this character? Came here by chance and got intrigued through the style.

    BigA7071 responds:

    She's a vampire that likes causing trouble

    Ah, nice, the raspberry pudding has been sliced.

    ihaships773 responds:

    more like my ex :)

    Oh man this guy looks cool! Sweet beard, you don't often see that on elf-like figures. (makes me think a bit of the Jak & Daxter series). The man is clearly strong too and I find it interesting how his epaulettes are pieces of fur with spikes.
    Those goggles are sick, too.

    I only discovered you just know, and as such i do not know what stories you may be planning or what characters you have alluded to in the past-- but i'll check your gallery out at once.
    In the meantime, The Monster Breeder looks neat. Love me some good monsters.

    SanyaUmbra responds:

    Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it. Yes, on monday I usually do this character that are all in the same setting. If I have to be honest, I'd like to draw or write something about them, but right now I lack the time to do so. Nontheless I did some quick comics of world building, the "interactive comic" you'll see in my gallery. I know that they lack the quality of the rest of the illustration, but I did them in two days.
    Anyhow I hope to see you again on the next posts, and thank you again for the comment!
    And yeah, he's a bit Jack and Dexter like.

    Oh cool, a monster in line with those of medieval scriptures! Those could get *weird* and fascinating.
    Thanks to Blasphemous 2 I know what a thurible is. The priest has style, using that for a weapon. In the words of The Mask: SSSMOKIN'

    LucisDoom responds:

    Yes, thanks!!! I love those things, medieval scripts are my center of interest atm and I wanted to implement those demon designs into a story that I'm making!
    Thuribles to me have immaculate potential to become improvised weapons in an unexpected attack 😁 heavy swingy things always are cool in combat

    I like their looks and the pose! In regards to what they're listening to... don't know, I don't know what counts as emo music.
    Perhaps Massive Ego.

    What's the story to these characters, if it's alright to ask?

    ihaships773 responds:

    i'll have to check that band out !!

    tbh a lot of my characters don't have stories,, theyre mostly one offs that dont really show up again.

    if i had to say anything tho, theyre probably just dumb young lovers who like to smash things up and mosh together at concerts

    Apologies if you find this rude, since my statement will be comparative and i know some people don't like that, but i'd like to ask:
    where you inspired by games such as Charlie Murder and The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile by any chance?

    And yes, the pant design, does look quite cool.

    ihaships773 responds:

    ding ding ding !! i loveeee charlie murder !!

    Character looks very cool, and nice art style. Sweet work.

    Wydnexa responds:


    Eeeeeet's GIbbbyyyyyyyyyy
    Awesome art piece. I haven't properly played Hylics but I can imagine Gubby having this hang somewhere in his residence as a monument to himself.

    CianetoNeon responds:

    Many thanks friend!
    He probably 'comissioned' some artist to make it for him, gotta look as cool as possible for the passing janitor

    It's time to cut the strings. Very nasty. I hope that she'll be able to get those hooks out of her.
    That is easier said than done in horror tales, especially aftear reading on your main page how your comic will turn out. But still.
    If she's of the right strength of mind after getting out of this situation, perhaps she can turn her proverbial shackles as a trophy. A reminder of where she was stuck where she is now, and do something artistic and more meaningful with them. Like using the strings for a music instrument.

    Came here after your reply on the art styles thread. Quite sick (in the good way, like a skater dude giving a compliment) and very striking art. I'll be sure to have more of a look around.
    I thought this was a bunny at first but then i saw in your description that this character's part nudibranch. Really neat to see different animals than the usual being used for the designs of characters.

    slugjuicedotcom responds:

    a lot of people think my fursona's a bunny, haha. even with the big ol' slug tail!

    Some things that stand out most to me here are the effects (stars and splotches) and the background.

    What's the story and ideas to this character?

    Bleak-Creep responds:

    I really don't do a whole lot of backstory planning for most of my character designs beyond "a woman that would eviscerate you" most of the time, haha.

    An Orc who loves dark fantasy and has interests in all manner of stuff. History & historical martial arts, fashion and weapons, alt. fashion, rock, goth, chains, belts & zippers, many kinds of music from Cosmo Sheldrake to Be'lakor... and monsters


    of cool fish


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